Chiropractic Care
If you have never looked into chiropractic adjustments, you could be missing out on an important treatment for helping you enjoy optimal health, wellness, comfort, and injury recovery. Chiropractic adjustments to the spinal column can ease pain, enhance joint motion, improve your posture, and help your nervous system function normally. That's why we're happy to offer this non-surgical healing modality at our chiropractic clinic.
The Purpose of Chiropractic Adjustment
The human spine consists of a complex arrangement of vertebrae, discs, joints, and the muscle groups that allow the spine to twist, turn, and bend. It also hosts the spinal cord, which connects our brain to each and every part of our body through a complex highway of nerves.
Unfortunately, many problems can interrupt this delicate system and result in a variety of symptoms from pain and numbness to paralysis or an inability to move a body part. Based on each individuals spinal issues will dictate their symptomatology. For Example, subluxations (also know as a misaligned vertebrae) can limit joint motions, muscle spasms causing neck or back pain. Herniated or bulging discs can press against nerve roots, producing neuropathies or weakness in the extremities while also affecting your systemic health. These issues can be cause by our daily lives such as the way we sit or sleep, they can be from our past injuries and accidents or even chronic repetitive movements.
Chiropractic adjustment can relieve these problems by using manual or instrument-assisted techniques to shift the spine back into position. By normalizing your spinal alignment, we can ease neurological symptoms, reduce muscular strain, and help your neck and back move more freely.
What to Expect …
Chiropractic adjustments can be performed safely on individuals of all ages, including newborns to the elderly. During your initial evaluation, a through general exam includes tests, such as blood pressure, pulse and reflexes will be completed. We will then do a chiropractic evaluation to analyze spinal alignment, range of motion, muscle strength to checking for any imbalances that may be causing your issues. Pinnacle Chiropractic will ensure that you are a good candidate for chiropractic adjustment and no additional imaging or referrals are needed before proceeding.
Don't be alarmed if you hear a popping or cracking sound during your spinal adjustment. This harmless phenomenon occurs when trapped gases escape from within the joints. If the sounds of an adjustment just are not for you, we can use lower force techniques which do not produce an audible release.
If you're ready to boost your health, flexibility, balance, and everyday comfort, our chiropractic team is ready to help you achieve those goals. Contact our clinic to discuss the details of chiropractic spinal manipulation and schedule an initial appointment.
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